Solarcell Testing Set for solar energy experiments.

Sku: N99-P70-3933

Solarcell Testing Set for solar energy experiments.

Sku: N99-P70-3933
$CAD 136.69
Product not available for online purchase

Solarcell Testing Set for solar energy experiments.

LIGHT a miniature bulb, SOUND the music, ROTATE a fan . . .

You can do all of these things with one simple device, the Solarcell Testing Set. This unit can convert light energy into electric energy to make these light, sound and force experiments easy for you. This unit can also keep your students busy and learning by doing an experiment such as a comparison between the amount of power stored on a clear or cloudy day.

Observe the variation in the angle at which the sunlight falls on the cell. Or cover the cell with your hand and apply the reflected sunlight to the cell. Even further yet, why not test this unit's ability by using an incandescent lamp or a fluorescent lamp? Its performance will surely impress your students.

• Solarcell - 1.7V, 450mA
• Motor - 1.5 ~ 3V, 210 ~ 250mA
• Propeller - Approx. 70mm in diameter
• Mini bulb w/ socket - 1.5V, 300mA
• Electron Melody