Horse Skull (Equus Caballus)

Sku: 1021006

Horse Skull (Equus Caballus)

Sku: 1021006
$CAD 2026.69
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Horse Skull (Equus Caballus)

Bone specimen of a horse skull consisting of approximately 37 individual bones, which are rigidly connected to each other. All the teeth are firmly attached to the jaws.
Length: Approx. 60 cm

Horse (Equus ferus caballus)
Class: Mammals
Order: Odd-toed ungulates
Family: Horses
Diet: Herbivore
Size: Approx. 50 – 200 cm
Weight: Approx. 100 – 1200 kg
Age: Approx. 20 – 50 years
Skeleton: Approx. 252 individual bones

Dentition formula:
Number: 36 – 44
Incisors (I): 3/3
Canines (C): 0-1/0-1
Premolars (P): 3-4/3-4
Molars (M): 3/3