Digital Counter

Sku: PHY1001033

Digital Counter

Sku: PHY1001033
Product not available for online purchase

Digital counter/timer for measuring duration of motion, transition times, periods, pendulum periods, frequencies, as well as for counting events or Geiger tube pulses. Includes a speaker that can be turned on and off and power supplies for direct connection to light barriers (U11365) or a Geiger-Müller counter (U8533430). For event counting, a fixed counting period can be programmed in a range from 0.1 ms to 99999 s. Counter events (e.g. start or stop) can either be triggered by a signal to the input sockets or manually via switches. The unit includes a plug-in power supply.


Time range: 0.1 ms − 99999 s

Time resolution: 0.1 ms / 1 ms / 0.1 s

Freq. range: 1 − 100 kHz, where voltage > 1.5 V

Freq. resolution: 1 mHz (1 − 100 Hz), 1 Hz (1 − 100 kHz)

Counting periods: 1/10/60/100 s or manually triggered

Input A: miniDIN 8 socket, 4-mm safety sockets

Input B: miniDIN 8 socket, 4-mm safety sockets

Input voltage A: 0.5 V – 15 V AC

Input voltage B: 1 V – 15 V AC

Active rising/falling counter tube input: BNC socket

Power supply: 550 V / 1 MΩ

Display: 5-digit LED display

Operating voltage: 12 V AC, 300 mA via plug-in power supply