Collection of 20 Rocks & Minerals


Collection of 20 Rocks & Minerals

$CAD 36.99
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This Collection contains 20 Types of Specimens, (10 Rocks Specimens of Igneous, Sedimentary& Metamorphic Rocks Types & 10 Minerals Specimens). The Rock Specimens include Some of the following Basalt, Granite, Pumic, Gniess, Marble, Quartizite, Serpentine, Bituminous Coal, Lime Stone, Sand Stone. The Minerals Specimens include Some of the following Agate, Calcite, Dolomite, Feldspar, Graphite, Gypsum, Magnetite, Pyrophilite, Quartz, Tourmaline. Average sizes are 2 cm X 3 cm X 1.5 cm